Home The Cushing Center Plan Your Visit

Plan Your Visit

Plan Your Visit


  • Yale students, faculty, and staff:
    Active Yale ID holders can request swipe access to the Cushing Center by registering on this Qualtrics form. Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed or pick up a pass at the circulation desk.
  • YNHH employees:
    Register on this Qualtrics form and pick up a pass at the circulation desk.
  • Members of the public:
    Visitor access to the Cushing Center is by guided tour only. Tours are available Fridays at 10am and 2pm. You do not need to register beforehand. Please meet the tour guide at the entrance of 333 Cedar Street at the security guard desk.

    We also offer tours by request for groups of over 4 individuals.


Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Yale School of Medicine
333 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06520


The Cushing Center is located in the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library in the sub-basement (2 floors down from main level). There is no wheel-chair accessible elevator to the Cushing Center.


  • Fridays at 10am and 2pm

Tours start at the Medical Library entrance near the circulation desk. Email cushing.center@yale.edu with special requests. 



To request a group tour of 4 or more individuals, please fill out this form.


Photography is not permitted in the Cushing Center. 

For media inquiries, please contact the staff at the Center at cushing.center@yale.edu. Specify “media inquiry” in the subject line.

Please be aware that security cameras are in use in the Cushing Center.