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Qualtrics, an online survey tool

December 21, 2015 - 5:48pm by Andy Hickner

(by Denise Hersey) If you need to create a survey as part of your research, you now have access to Qualtrics, an online survey tool which is HIPPA-compliant.  Qualtrics allows you to create surveys with a myriad of different question types and report options.  You can also collaborate on surveys with colleagues at Yale and share results and data.  Qualtrics is easy to use, but Yale medical librarians can also provide you with support.  

YSM theses now available through EliScholar

December 15, 2015 - 11:37am by Andy Hickner

(by Nathan Rupp and Melissa Grafe) Nearly 900 Yale School of Medicine theses are now available through Yale University’s online institutional repository known as EliScholar. These include “current” theses published in the last decade that have come out of embargo as well as several YSM alumni theses published as far back as 1952. These theses document the rich research done by Yale’s medical students, and can provide a starting point for current medical students embarking on their projects.  We’re also pleased to make this part of our collection more openly accessible to researchers in general, as the print theses are stored in locked stacks at the Medical Library.  Current YSM students can browse this collection for examples of what a YSM thesis looks like. For more information about accessing theses at the Medical Library, please see https://library.medicine.yale.edu/collections/thesis.

Yale Physician Associate Program recognizes 3 librarians

December 10, 2015 - 12:35pm by Andy Hickner

From left: Lei Wang, Judy Spak, Jan Glover On December 7, the Yale Physician Associate Program recognized librarians Jan Glover, Judy Spak, and Lei Wang "for their support & dedication to the thesis & student research."  Each year, these librarians work intensively with students in helping define their thesis statement, and then guiding and assisting them as they conduct the necessary research and literature review. Congratulations, Jan, Judy, and Lei!

Holiday hours for 2015

December 10, 2015 - 11:11am by Andy Hickner

As always at this time of year, there will be some changes to the library's usual schedule in the coming weeks.  Here is a summary of library hours from December 23 - January 2:  December 23, 2015:  7:30 am to 5:00 pm December 24 & 25: CLOSED December 25: CLOSED December 26 -30:  11:00 am to 4:00 pm December 31 - January 1: CLOSED  January 2:  back to regular hours Plan accordingly!

Humanities in Medicine Collection

December 2, 2015 - 7:30pm by Alyssa Grimshaw

The Yale Medical Library and Yale Program for Humanities in Medicine partnered on behalf of the Yale Medical Library’s newest collection: Humanities in Medicine. This collection focuses on works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry that relate to the human condition and human experience.                 This month, we feature a newly published memoir by neurosurgeon Henry Marsh: Do No Harm. Marsh’s writings give insight into the complex and oft compelling inner thoughts that reflect the life and death decisions made by one neurosurgeon looking back over his long career. The Humanities in Medicine Collection can be found in the shelving units directly across from the Circulation Desk.          Come join us and browse through these great new books!              

Happy Holidays!

December 1, 2015 - 10:36am by Holly Grossetta Nardini

Please come visit us in the Library, which is all dressed up for the holidays! In particular, marvel at our iconic Book Tree, nestled by the fireplace in the Medical Historical Library. Library staff lovingly built the 3rd edition of our Book Tree, using almost 500 volumes from the National Union Catalog. We wish you a very happy holiday season!

World AIDS Day: HIV/AIDS Information on the Web and at Yale Libraries

December 1, 2015 - 10:05am by Andy Hickner

Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day.  We’ve come a long way since the first cases of the disease emerged over 30 years ago, and today there is a wealth of information resources on HIV/AIDS. For more in-depth research, at Yale, we provide access to over 200 e-books on HIV/AIDS topics, plus thousands of additional titles available in print. NIAID offers detailed information on current research efforts.  PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis):  Check out pages on PrEP at CDC and AIDS.gov.   For basic information, the layperson seeking to learn more should begin at HIVinfo. Other general web resources include:   HIV.gov Centers for Disease Control UNAIDS Newly diagnosed with HIV?  Start with “Newly Diagnosed: What you need to know” at AIDS.gov. As always, for comprehensive help finding and navigating current knowledge on HIV/AIDS, contact your departmental librarian.  (Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/usembassynewdelhi/5217132779)
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