Submit an Interlibrary Loan Request or view your existing requests
YNHH First-time users: Register Here
Non-Yale Users
Fee is $25.00 per article/book owned by the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Policies for Other Libraries
Requesting Formats Accepted:
OCLC Symbol: YUM
ALA Forms:
Book or chapter request
Article Request
Loan Period: 8 weeks
Renewals are permitted if the item has not been recalled by one of our patrons.
Renewals must be made 4 days prior to the due date on the item.
Charges: Medical Libraries (US): $11.00
Non-Medical Libraries (US): $20.00
International: $20.00 (articles only)
Rush fee: $10.00
What is Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services?
Interlibrary Loan obtains and delivers materials not owned by any Yale University library, through cooperative agreements with other libraries.
Document Delivery obtains and delivers materials from collections at most Yale University libraries.
What is ILLiad?
ILLiad is the electronic system you use to request an item through Interlibrary Loan. The name ILLiad can be thought of as an acronym for InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database.
Who may use these services?
Clinicians, faculty, staff, students and researchers in the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Public Health and the Yale New Haven Hospital.
May non-affiliated borrowers use your services?
Yes, see 'Non-Yale Users' above.
What materials may not be requested?
Many libraries will not loan entire volumes of journals, entire volumes of ebooks as well as thing that exceed copyright, fragile materials, DVDs, or high demand materials.
How long does it take?
Articles usually take 1-2 days. Because of shipping time, books may take a week or more. Plan ahead when requesting materials and supply a “Not Wanted After” date in your ILLiad request. It could take longer if the requested item is difficult to locate or only held by very few libraries. Please contact us if you are worried about the status of your request.
Where will I pick up my material?
All articles will be delivered electronically through ILLiad. Books must be picked up in the Medical Library at the Circulation Desk.
How will I be notified when my materials arrive?
You will receive an email when your item(s) arrive.
How long can I keep books I borrow through Interlibrary Loan?
The length of an item's loan period is determined by the lending library.
May I renew a book borrowed on interlibrary loan?
Maybe. Not all lending institutions will renew materials. Renewal requests for interlibrary loan items must be made at least 3 days before the due date and can be made only once. All books are subject to recall. If this should happen, you will be notified either by email or telephone. Request renewal through ILLiad account or contact ILL.
Copyright Policies
The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of reproductions of copyrighted materials. Libraries and archives are authorized to provide a photocopy of materials under conditions specified in the law. To abide by Copyright Law, 50 pages or 10% of a work, whichever is less, may be copied and obtained via Interlibrary Loan.
The Library reserves the right to decline requests based on the interpretation of the Copyright Law.
If copyright fees are over $100.00 we may have to cancel the request.
Additional copyright information:
Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and librarians:
U.S. Code: Title 17 - COPYRIGHTS :
- View the Medical Library's Borrowing and Access Privileges by affiliation