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For Faculty & Staff

Yale Department/Program Librarian
Allergy and Clinical Immunology Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Alumni Affairs John Gallagher, MLS
Anesthesiology clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Cancer Center Zsuzsa Nemeth, MLIS
Cardiovascular Medicine Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Cell Biology Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Cellular and Molecular Physiology Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA) Kate Nyhan, MLS
Center for Medical Education Judy Spak, MLS
Center for Medical Informatics Lei Wang, MSI
Child Study Center Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Clinician Scholars Program clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Combined Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Comparative Medicine Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Deans and Administration, YSM John Gallagher, MLS
Dentistry Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Dermatology clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Digestive Diseases Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Emergency Medicine clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Endocrinology and Metabolism Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Genetics Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Geriatrics Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Hematology Zsuzsa Nemeth, MLIS
History of Medicine Melissa Grafe, PhD.
Hospitalist Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Humanities in Medicine Megan Nance, MLIS
Immunobiology Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Infectious Diseases Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Internal Medicine, General Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Laboratory Medicine Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Microbial Pathogenesis Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MB&B) Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Nephrology Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Neurobiology Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Neurology Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Neuroscience Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Neurosurgery clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Nursing Alexandria Brackett, MA, MLIS
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Occupational and Environmental Medicine clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Ophthalmology and Visual Science clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Orthopedics and Rehabilitation clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Pathology Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS and Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Pediatrics Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Pharmacology Rolando Garcia-Milian, MLS
Pharmacy Alexandria Brackett, MA, MLIS
Physician Associate Program Caitlin Meyer, MLIS
Physician Assistant Online Program Caitlin Meyer, MLIS
Postgraduate and Graduate Medical Education clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Psychiatry Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Public Health Kate Nyhan, MLS
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Radiology and Biomedical Imaging clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Rheumatology Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Social Work Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Spiritual Care (Hospital Chaplains) Melissa Funaro, MLS, MS
Surgery clinical.librarians@yale.edu
Therapeutic Radiology Zsuzsa Nemeth, MLIS
Undergraduate Medical Education Judy Spak, MLS
Urology Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Women’s Health Research at Yale Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS
Yale New Haven Hospital Zsuzsa Nemeth, MLIS

For Students

School of Medicine


School of Public Health

Kate Nyhan, kate.nyhan@yale.edu

ResourcesPublic Health

School of Nursing

Alexandria Brackett, alexandria.brackett@yale.edu

Resources: Nursing


Rolando Garcia-Milian, rolando.milian@yale.edu; Sofia Fertuzinhos, sofia.fertuzinhos@yale.edu

Resources: Bioinformatics

PA/PA Online

Caitlin Meyer, caitlin.meyer@yale.edu

Resources: PA Program | PA Online Program