Home Evidence Synthesis & Literature Reviews

Evidence Synthesis & Literature Reviews

Evidence Synthesis Process

Librarians are available to assist at different stages in the evidence synthesis process. Learn more about levels of librarian collaboration.


Who We Are

Our librarians have co-authored hundreds of evidence synthesis articles. Librarians and library staff are continually trained on new search methodologies and processes. We adhere to the requirements for authorship and contributor-ship of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Who You Are

Evidence synthesis consultations is available to teams where the lead author, primary contact, and PI are current Yale faculty, staff, or students at YSM, YSPH, YSN, or YNHH.


Librarians can collaborate with researchers to determine how they can best support the research project. Comprehensive searches are thorough and time-intensive, and each librarian can only work on a limited number of reviews simultaneously. Librarian participation may be delayed or unavailable if they are at capacity. In these cases, librarians will direct the researchers to the “researcher self-guided” service offering.