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EndNote Desktop: Sharing libraries and collaborating on research papers

April 20, 2021 - 1:39pm by Melissa Funaro

Ways to Share EndNote Desktop Library 1. EndNote X9 Group Sharing You can share your EndNote library (or groups) through EndNote Desktop Pros: Read/write access, easy Cons: The sharer can only share (sync) one library, the share-ee can have multiple libraries shared with them, make sure to finish syncing before closing the library, everyone needs to have an EndNote online account   2. Compress and send an EndNote library (or group) through email or Box Compress and send your library How to: File > Compressed Library (.enlx) Pros: PDFs can be included in the EndNote library Cons: X9.3 isn't backward compatible. If this happens send an RIS file but note, all Groups and Group Sets will be lost, changes made by one user won’t be reflected in other users’ files.   3. Send your EndNote library embedded within the Word Document you've been editing with EndNote. Your Word document contains a "Traveling Library" comprising all references cited using EndNote. This enables you to collaborate with your colleagues on the same document without having to have the same EndNote library. Pros: Easy Cons: No pdfs, metadata incomplete, required that everyone has EndNote Desktop   Ways to Collaborate on a Paper (Pros and Cons) 1. Microsoft Word or Google Docs One person makes the edits. One person has access to the EndNote library and has control over the master document.  All others collaborate on the manuscript, editing and marking where a reference goes (use author, year). The person with the master document uses the edited document to add the new references to EndNote and then references into the master document. Pros: less prone to error Cons: complicated   2. Google Docs Method There is no EndNote Cite While You Write tool available for Google Docs. Pros: Highly collaborative Cons: Complicated Directions: Highlight the references in EndNote Drag and drop the references into your Google Doc. This will create an unformatted citation, (it will have curly brackets { }). Alternatively, manually insert unformatted citations in the format {first authors surname, year #record number}. To see the record number, in EndNote, right click on the display fields shown in the middle panel and tick Record Number to add it to the display. When the manuscript is completed, download the Google Doc as a .docx file Open in Word Make sure you have a completed EndNote library from which the Word document will pull the references from. If you have people contributing from personal EndNote libraries, the library at the end needs to have all the references in it. If you don't have a copy, ask the person (people) to compress and email their citations. Turn on Instant Formatting. If the reference number don't match, Word will prompt you to clarify which reference you mean. Training and Support Cushing/Whitney Medical Library Classes Contact your librarian EndNote WebEx trainings EndNote Guide

Women's Leadership Resource Library

March 31, 2021 - 2:31pm by Melissa Funaro

In support of women leaders at the Yale School of Medicine, Prasanna Ananth, MD, MPH, a member of the School of Medicine Committee on the Status of Women (SWIM), has been collaborating with Melissa Funaro, Clinical Research & Education Librarian from the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, on the Women’s Leadership Resource Library. The electronic library is designed to help women in medicine elevate their leadership skills, through curated content on teamwork, mentoring, negotiation, time management, and more. We hope you find this useful in your growth as a leader and innovator in medicine.   Please check out the Women’s Leadership Resource Library: https://guides.library.yale.edu/SWIM-resource-library

Welcome to new staff who joined the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library in 2020!

December 11, 2020 - 5:41pm by Melissa Funaro

The library welcomed two new staff members this year. Zsuzsa Nemeth joined us as Head of Clinical Research and Education in November 2020. Zsuzsa leads a team of librarians and is dedicated to providing support to clinical departments at Yale New Haven Hospital. She comes from the University of Miami where she had a similar role, plus experience at the Miami VA Hospital and as a clinical coordinator in a research lab.  Learn more about the team of Clinical Research & Education librarians: https://library.medicine.yale.edu/services/clinical Courtney Brombosz joined us as a Research and Education Librarian in February 2020. Courtney primarily supports students in the Yale School of Medicine and runs the Personal Librarian Program. She is also a member of the clinical team.  

Grant Wood’s American Gothic Repurposed and Several Anti-Smoking Acquisitions

August 19, 2019 - 12:05pm by Melissa Funaro

Grant Wood’s American Gothic Repurposed and Several Anti-Smoking Acquisitions on view now at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library. “American Gothic” is one of the best known works by an American artist. Iowa native Grant Wood was inspired by the small town Iowan home in Gothic Revival style and asked his sister and his dentist to pose for the painting as father and daughter residents of the well kept property.   To many viewers of “American Gothic” the scene was, and is, interpreted as a satire on rural life, but Wood avowed that the painting portrayed traditional American values, pointing out the residents’ resilience, fortitude and pride. The painting was first exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1930 where it won a prize of $300. It remains on view at the Art Institute.   Currently on display in the medical library hallway leading to the rotunda are:   Bruce McGillivray's Recycling, An Iowa Way of Life, Iowa Recycling Association, 1988. Purchased through the John F. Fulton Fund 2018   Marcia Cooper's We Can Live Without Nuclear Power, 1979. Purchased through the John F. Fulton Fund 2018   S. Cooper's Crop Rotation Pays, no date. Screen print. Copyright Compass Points, Memphis, Tenn. Purchased through the Lucia Fulton Fund 2016   About our collection This year, sixty-seven posters were acquired for the Historical Medical Poster Collection, a few of which are currently on display in the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library. The library regularly acquires posters, prints, drawings, instruments, manuscripts, rare books, and other objects and materials of interest in the understanding of medical and public health issues over time.  The library’s special collections holdings are available for use in classes and for study. To use these materials, contact the Historical Library or your departmental librarian.

Beyond Impact Factor: How do I know which journal to publish in?

June 30, 2017 - 12:04pm by Melissa Funaro

  When researchers consider where to submit an article, they often consider a journal’s impact factor.  The impact factor is a measure of the frequency an average article has been cited in a particular year. However, some journals, such as those not indexed by Thompson Reuters’ Journal Citation Report (JCR), or journals with less than three years of publication, will not have an impact factor.  Another option to view journal level impact is Scopus’s serials comparison tool lists the journals CiteScore, and various other journal metrics such as SNIP and SJR. In addition, Scopus can provide you with article-level information such as how many times an article has been cited by other articles.  You can access Scopus through the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library’s home page: https://library.medicine.yale.edu/ For more information on journal-level metrics of impact, check out this video tutorial. For a series of video tutorials related to this topic click here.
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