Home Evidence Synthesis & Literature Reviews Consultation & Collaborations

Consultation & Collaborations

Comprehensive searches are time-intensive and each librarian can work on a limited number of reviews. Librarian participation may be delayed or unavailable if we are at capacity.

Scope of Assistance

Librarians can collaborate with you to determine how we are best able to support an evidence synthesis research project.

Librarian Roles

  • Translate research question into appropriate search strategy framework [PICO; PEO; PCC; SPIDER]
  • Assist with search strategy
  • Guidance on bibliographic organization tools
  • Guidance with selecting relevant reporting guidelines/standards
  • Manuscript and protocol preparation (coauthored projects only)
    • Provide search methods writeup
    • Develop search history appendix
    • Review full manuscript

Library Staff Support (coauthored projects only)

  • Retrieve full-text articles
  • Covidence review initiation

Levels of Librarian Collaboration

Researcher Self-Guided

Librarian role:

  • Provide researcher teams with resources for conducting evidence synthesis projects

Lead author/primary contact can expect to:

  • Access resources for self-guided evidence synthesis development
Librarian Consultation

Librarian role:

  • Meet with the lead author and primary contact (must be a current Yale faculty, staff, or student at YSM, YSPH, YSN, or YNHH)
  • Peer review comprehensive search developed by researcher

Lead author/primary contact can expect to:

  • Provide librarian with completed search for peer review and 'Search Methods' section in the evidence synthesis protocol
Librarian Collaboration

Librarian collaboration satisfies ICJME criteria for coauthorship. Coauthorship is expected when the librarian is a collaborator on all evidence-synthesis projects.

Note: Student evidence synthesis projects and Yale-led Professional Society evidence synthesis projects will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Librarian role:

  • Meet with the lead author and primary contact (must be a current Yale faculty, staff, or student at YSM, YSPH, YSN, or YNHH)
  • Develop search and iterations in consultation with research team
  • Deduplicate search results and upload into screening tool
  • Assist with obtaining full-text articles
  • Write the search methods section for the protocol and final manuscript
  • Provide information for manuscript acknowledgement noting support from library staff
  • Review manuscript prior to submissions

Lead author/primary contact can expect to:

  • Sign Memorandum of Understanding before librarian work commences
  • Include the librarian as a coauthor on the protocol, final manuscript, and all research outputs resulting from this project (e.g. posters and conference papers)
  • Provide librarian with detailed research protocol
  • Provide at least four gold standard articles – articles that would be included in the review
  • Include manuscript acknowledgement noting support from library staff