Home News Access to Partek Flow for the analysis of NGS data available to Yale biomedical researchers

Access to Partek Flow for the analysis of NGS data available to Yale biomedical researchers

July 8, 2016 - 2:11pm by Rolando Garcia-Milian

The Yale Medical Library is providing access to Partek Flow, a Graphical User Interface and user-friendly software for the analysis of RNA, SmallRNA, and DNA sequencing experiments. A webinar showing how to use this software will take place in SHM C-103 on August 4, 2016 (see details below).

Webinar: NGS Data Analysis in Partek Software

Description: Why have over 5,000 scientific articles cited Partek software for turning their data into discovery? Because it empowers scientists to perform sophisticated statistical analyses with intuitive point-and-click actions, no command-line knowledge needed.

 Join us for a complimentary webinar to see how Partek Flow software can be used to analyze your RNA, SmallRNA, and DNA sequencing experiments. Using an RNA-Seq data set, we’ll demonstrate how to check read quality, align reads against a reference genome, quantify RNA transcript levels, and identify differentially expressed genes. We’ll show you how to save your analysis steps and parameters in your own start-to-finish, repeatable and shareable pipeline.

The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A session.

Flow that aligns RNA-Seq reads to a reference genome using the STAR aligner followed by quantification of reads to a transcriptome 

Date & Time:      9:30am - 11:00am, Thursday, August 4, 2016

Location:              C-103 - SHM 333 Cedar St, New Haven CT 06520

Campus:              Medical School

Presenter:          Eric Seiser, PhD, Field Application Scientist, Partek Inc.