The Yale Medical Library is providing access to Partek Flow, a Graphical User Interface and user-friendly software for the analysis of RNA, SmallRNA, and DNA sequencing experiments. A webinar showing how to use this software will take place in SHM C-103 on August 4, 2016 (see details below).
Webinar: NGS Data Analysis in Partek Software
Description: Why have over 5,000 scientific articles cited Partek software for turning their data into discovery? Because it empowers scientists to perform sophisticated statistical analyses with intuitive point-and-click actions, no command-line knowledge needed.
Join us for a complimentary webinar to see how Partek Flow software can be used to analyze your RNA, SmallRNA, and DNA sequencing experiments. Using an RNA-Seq data set, we’ll demonstrate how to check read quality, align reads against a reference genome, quantify RNA transcript levels, and identify differentially expressed genes. We’ll show you how to save your analysis steps and parameters in your own start-to-finish, repeatable and shareable pipeline.
The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A session.
Flow that aligns RNA-Seq reads to a reference genome using the STAR aligner followed by quantification of reads to a transcriptome
Date & Time: 9:30am - 11:00am, Thursday, August 4, 2016
Location: C-103 - SHM 333 Cedar St, New Haven CT 06520
Campus: Medical School
Presenter: Eric Seiser, PhD, Field Application Scientist, Partek Inc.