Home News Beyond Impact Factor: How do I know which journal to publish in?

Beyond Impact Factor: How do I know which journal to publish in?

June 30, 2017 - 12:04pm by Melissa Funaro


Image of JCR example

When researchers consider where to submit an article, they often consider a journal’s impact factor.  The impact factor is a measure of the frequency an average article has been cited in a particular year. However, some journals, such as those not indexed by Thompson Reuters’ Journal Citation Report (JCR), or journals with less than three years of publication, will not have an impact factor.  Another option to view journal level impact is Scopus’s serials comparison tool lists the journals CiteScore, and various other journal metrics such as SNIP and SJR. In addition, Scopus can provide you with article-level information such as how many times an article has been cited by other articles. 

You can access Scopus through the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library’s home page: https://library.medicine.yale.edu/

For more information on journal-level metrics of impact, check out this video tutorial. For a series of video tutorials related to this topic click here.