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Celebrating Medical Education with New Workshops and More!

April 29, 2024 - 11:52am by Caitlin Meyer

Ahead of Medical Education Day, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library is celebrating all things education for the month of May! Whether you are putting together a poster presentation, planning your next education research project, or simply interested in broadening your skillset, we’ve got you covered with a curated bundle of training opportunities and self-guided learning materials.  Workshops: May 6, 10am - 11am: Navigating the Education Literature May 8, 11:15am - 11:45am: A to Zotero: A Quick Start May 13, 12:15pm - 12:45pm: Stay current with MedEd alerts in PubMed May 17, 12:15pm - 12:45pm: Stay current with MedEd alerts in PubMed May 21, 11:00 - 11:30am: Achieving ACGME Core Competencies & Milestones with Library Resources - just added! May 28, 11am - 12pm: Navigating the Education Literature May 30, 11:30am - 12pm: Your Poster Can Live Forever: How to Deposit Research Outputs in Repositories Head to our full training calendar for even more programming. Self-guided learning:  Email course: How to Create an Academic Poster Webinar: Visualizing Information: Designing Effective Posters and Figures Research guide: Data Visualization In the spirit of supporting educators and health professions education research, we've also launched a new For Educators page on our site. This portal connects educators with their program librarians, outlines library services and resources for course planning, highlights existing librarian-faculty curricular collaborations, and orients users to health professions education research.  Did you know? The library has negotiated agreements that allow Yale authors to publish without paying APCs (article processing charges) in more than 700 journals. Check out the list of 180 titles relevant to the medical campus.  Come back to this page throughout May as more training opportunities and relevant resources get added. 

EndNote 20 is here!

August 6, 2021 - 9:40am by Caitlin Meyer

  As of this month, the library is officially supporting EndNote 20! Classes will be taught in 20 and we encourage you to upgrade to best follow along and take advantage of the software’s new functionalities. What’s the difference between X9 and 20? Some of the the biggest differences between the versions are visual: new icons, reorganized menus, and more space between references for easier reading. Notable changes include the Word icons from X9 now living as menu options under Tools and the integrated library view (local, shared, and online) being the default. If the new font size is too big for your screen, you can modify it by heading to Preferences -> Display Font.    Various processes are now more intuitive, such as modifying references and copying formatted citations. There is an explicit Edit button in the right-side reference pane that also facilitates text formatting that was previously complicated (like making text superscript or bold). The Copy Formatted menu option still exists under Reference but there is now a button next to the preview of the formatted reference as well. On the technical side, 20 enables deduplication by DOI and PMCID as well as further integrates Web of Science citation report functions. Things to think about prior to upgrading:  ·      Make sure your computer is compatible. For PCs, EndNote 20 requires at least Windows 10 and Microsoft Word 2010. For Mac users, you’ll need at least OS 10.14 and Microsoft Word 2016. ·      Back up your library. While EndNote libraries are supposed to be forwards-compatible, it’s best to save a compressed version of your EndNote library before upgrading just in case. Head to File, then Compressed Library (.enlx) and modify the file name to include the date of the backup. Email this file to yourself. ·      Consider your collaborators and how you share. While libraries are forwards-compatible, they are no longer backwards compatible beyond X9.3. This means if you have 20 and your colleague has X8, they won’t be able to use the library you send them. When you decide to upgrade, EndNote 20 is available through the  ITS Software Library. If you’re on a managed machine, contact ITS to install the software. Check our calendar for upcoming workshops as well as the vendor’s EndNote 20 YouTube series.

CWML Announces Public Collection of COVID-19 Citations

March 19, 2020 - 3:30pm by Caitlin Meyer

The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library is excited to share that it has developed a public collection of COVID-19 citations to aid the research and clinical practice missions of the Yale Schools of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing and the Yale New Haven Hospital. The collection, accessible through this public Zotero library (no account required), includes daily updates from PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov, Disaster Lit, and preprints* from bioRxiv and medRxiv.  This project was developed at the request of Sten Vermund, Albert Ko, and other researchers at YSPH who helped determine the project scope and organization. The citations have roughly been sorted into different topics: epidemiology, immunology, modeling, sequencing, and treatment. There are also folders for different regions and the ability to view the collection by citation source.  Most records include abstracts and all include links for users to pursue full-text access. To access the URL, click on a citation and scroll down to the URL field.  The tool, while thorough, is not the complete record of COVID-19 literature. Other resources in this space include: LitCovid: Curated collection of more than 1,200 journal articles hosted by the National LIbrary of Medicine COVID-19 Open Research Data: Tool leveraging natural language processing to aggregate articles about COVID-19 hosted by Semantic Scholar We opted for Zotero to share this project because of its ability to support public group libraries and its highly relevant retraction watch functionality. You can see more about how we are collecting citations below: PubMed: Citations of journal articles (strategy includes a daily date limit, too) covid-19[tw] OR COVID19[tw] OR COVID-19[nm] OR SARS-CoV-2[tw] OR SARS-CoV2[tw] OR severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2[nm] OR severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2[tw] OR 2019-nCoV[tw] OR 2019nCoV[tw] OR coronavirus[tw] OR coronavirus[mh]  ClinicalTrials.gov: Clinical trials registrations COVID-19 OR Covid19 in the “other terms” search box Disaster Lit: Guidelines, reports, conference proceedings COVID-19 OR COVID19 OR SARS-CoV-2 OR SARS-COV2 OR 2019-nCoV OR 2019nCoV OR coronavirus  bioRxiv and medRxiv: Preprints Utilizing the RSS feed listed here.  Suggestions or sources we should add? Let us know! *Preprints -- which are manuscripts made available prior to peer review -- support the rapid dissemination of information. However, this means that these documents should be critically appraised and monitored for updates.   

Resource Spotlight: Journal Citation Reports

April 16, 2019 - 9:49am by Caitlin Meyer

Welcome to Resource Spotlight! The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library provides access to an incredible array of databases, e-book collections, software and more. In this series of posts, we’ll be showcasing highlights from our collection. Choosing where to publish can be a difficult decision. Who writes in certain journals? Are they being read? Fortunately, Journal Citation Reports can help answer some of these questions. Published by Clarivate, the company that runs Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports (JCR) has information on more than 11,000 journals from around the world. Leveraging the depth of Web of Science’s collection, the JCR tracks which articles, and therefore journals, are being cited in new literature and distills that information into easily digestible Journal Impact Factor metrics.  Each journal in the report has a profile page that outlines its research impact metrics over time, puts the metrics into context within subject categories, and highlights top-performing articles. You can also see the geographic distribution of authors for that journal, as well as a list of organizations that have written the most content.  Since ‘good’ research impact indicators and publishing frequency vary widely by field, the “Browse by Category” function on the homepage can give you insight into what the publishing landscape looks like in a particular discipline. You can see how many journals there are in that field, how often they publish, how many articles come out per year, and the median journal impact.   Journal Citation Reports can be accessed directly or by opening up the Web of Science and selecting JCR at the top.  Feel free to contact the library with any JCR or research impact questions, and keep an eye out for our Research Impact Basics class. 

New Resources and Classes for Spring

March 18, 2019 - 2:08pm by Caitlin Meyer

The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library is always working to build better collections and offer new and relevant educational programming. Keep reading to learn more about STAT Plus, MedOne Plastic Surgery, and a bunch of new classes you’ll be seeing on the calendar. New Resources Head to the Databases, Resources & Tools list to see the full range of materials available to you at Yale. Feel free to contact Lindsay Barnett with suggestions for new resources.  STAT Plus STAT Plus is STAT’s premium subscription service, which provides you with access to exclusive, in-depth pharma, biotech, life sciences, and policy coverage, keeping you on top of what's happening - as it happens. This includes news analyses, Capitol Hill intelligence, “cheat sheets” to get up to speed quickly, and interviews with industry leaders. MedOne Plastic Surgery MedOne Plastic Surgery offers a comprehensive portfolio of resources in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. This includes 150+ books, essential textbooks for residency programs, step-by-step instruction on core surgical techniques, training videos, board exam preparation questions, images, and more. There is also an app.  New Classes Head to the class calendar to see the full roster of available classes and register to attend. You can contact Caitlin Meyer with ideas for new classes. Introduction to Data Visualization in R with ggplot2 by Sawyer Newman This workshop will introduce the R package ggplot2 and briefly compare it to other R graphics packages. The hands-on component, which will take up the majority of the workshop, will involve reading in practice datasets, creating graphs using ggplot2 functions, and refining these visualizations. We will view dataset summaries, boxplots, barplots, histograms, and scatter plots. Introduction to Google Analytics by Dana Haugh This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how you can use Google Analytics to better understand your website users. This workshop is most appropriate for those who have the administrative rights to make backend changes to their website but have little-to-no experience using Google Analytics. This workshop will cover account setup, code snippet installation, Google Analytics Dashboard, acquisitions, behavior, and audience. Design Basics - How to Create Better Visuals by Dana Haugh Do you ever wonder why some posters are more effective than others? Do you want to learn how to create better PowerPoints, flyers, and other graphics? In this hands-on workshop, you will learn tips and tricks for creating effective and engaging graphics. Participants will learn the fundamentals of good design and then apply that knowledge by creating a simple graphic in the free, web-based design tool, Canva. Research Impact Basics by Caitlin Meyer Research impact doesn't have to be confusing! Join us to learn about different measures of research impact, tools available to you at Yale to help track impact information, and more. By the end of this class, you’ll be able to: distinguish between author impact, article impact, and journal impact; identify common metrics used to gauge impact; and use key tools to track, measure, and visualize research impact.

Finding Drug Information

February 27, 2019 - 1:37pm by Caitlin Meyer

Despite the promise of tools like Quicksearch and the breadth of massive databases like Scopus, certain types of information simply cannot be found in one place. No need to fret, though! We've got you covered. This series of blog posts will serve as a home of recommended resources and searching tips for hard-to-find types of information. Have a suggestion for a subject? Shoot me an email!  Assembled by Alexandria Brackett Drug information -- what does that mean? It's an incredibly broad topic: Some resources cover progress on drug development and industry, some resources offer drug interaction details, some resources identify generic options for trade name drugs. Here you'll find a curated collection across all of these areas and more. Feel free to reach out with any questions! Recommended Resources  ClinicalKey - Drug Monographs  ClinicalKey is an online resource designed to provide answers to clinical questions. ClinicalKey draws from a collection of clinical resources covering most medical and surgical specialty. DailyMed  National Library Medicine (NLM) database that provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States. Litt’s D.E.R.M. Database  Litt’s Drug Eruption and Reaction (D.E.R.M.) Database allows you to search the profiles of generic and trade name drugs, while also providing references that link directly to PubMed. The Medical Letter  Critical appraisals of new prescription drugs and comparative reviews of drugs for common diseases. Micromedex Healthcare Series  Micromedex provides a wide range of databases tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals, including information related to drugs, acute care, toxicology, and patient education. Patient education materials are included in the CareNotes module of Micromedex. Natural Medicines  Combines the Natural Standard and the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database resources. Drug Industry Information Resources Medscape - News & Perspective Medscape Reference offers medical news, expert interpretations of news, point-of-care information, drug and disease information, and opportunities for CME. Business Source Complete  Offers full-text access to top scholarly business journals, magazines, & trade publications, dating back as far as 1886. Also offers access to industry profiles, company reports & SWOT analyses, market research, & country reports. IBISWorld  Features key statistics, product segmentation, and outlooks/forecasts for over 700 US industries. Also includes Global, UK, & China reports. Thompson ONE Features company financials and filings, earnings estimates, M&A data, analyst reports, company deals, takeover defenses and much more Drug Development Resources ClinicalTrials.gov  NLM database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. Patient Volume Data  The Patient Volume Databases offer access to nationwide patient samples to track activity in various treatment settings. Statistics available may include discharge rates, demographic information, concomitant diagnoses and/or procedures, and drug information. The databases cover a large number of ICD-9 codes, and are also searchable by keyword. Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)  The Cochrane Library is produced by the Cochrane Collection and is a collection of databases designed to provide high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision making. CENTRAL is a highly concentrated source of reports of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Innovation & Entrepreneurship Research Guide  This guide features resources made available by the Yale University Library that students can use to learn about industries, research competitors, and understand markets.  

New year, new classes!

January 17, 2019 - 11:38am by Caitlin Meyer

You may already know that the library often teaches workshops on EndNote and PubMed, but there is a lot more going on in our teaching spaces these days. This post will highlight five new events you’ll see popping up on the calendar more frequently. Head to the calendar to sign up! Introduction to R with Swirl with Sawyer Newman Learn about installing R, RStudio, and practice R using the R library Swirl! This hands-on workshop is for those who have no experience in R. After a brief introduction and demonstration in R, participants will work on self-guided exercises using the Swirl package. Research Data Management for the Health Sciences with Sawyer Newman Does your research involve data? This workshop will overview research data and the management of research data while providing examples of strategies you can take to make your data easier to navigate, understand and more secure. Introduction to Cytoscape for the analysis, visualization, and integration of data with Rolando Garcia-Milian Cytoscape is an open source platform for analysis and visualization of networked data, molecular interaction networks, and biological pathways. It also allows integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other types of data. The workshop covers getting started in Cytoscape, creating and merging networks, visualization, installing add-on applications and more.  Mobile App Mondays with Alyssa Grimshaw Mobile App Mondays are drop-in times to learn about the library’s extensive collection of free mobile applications, troubleshoot problems, and see a demonstration of the weekly featured application.  Walk-in Wednesdays with Caitlin Meyer (mornings) and Alyssa Grimshaw (evenings)  Walk-in Wednesdays are your opportunity to drop by with questions about databases, citation management, searching the literature, or whatever else is on your mind.  Have an idea for a new class? Email Caitlin Meyer.

Resource Spotlight: Global Health

January 17, 2019 - 11:35am by Caitlin Meyer

  Welcome to Resource Spotlight! The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library provides access to an incredible array of databases, e-book collections, software and more. In this series of posts, we’ll be showcasing highlights from our collection. In this edition of Resource Spotlight, we’ll be looking at Global Health. Produced by CABI, an international not-for-profit organization focused on solving problems in agriculture and the environment, Global Health is the premier resource for public health information.  Global Health aims to comprehensively cover public health-oriented topics including biomedical life sciences, chronic diseases, disease diagnosis and therapy, environmental and occupational health, epidemiology and biostatistics, health promotion and wellness, health systems, infectious and vector-borne diseases, nutrition, public health emergencies, tropical and international health, and more.  Though PubMed and Embase may be the go-to resources for a lot of biomedical research, Global Health offers access to thousands of journals that are indexed in neither database. Furthermore, Global Health includes international publications and grey literature sources (proceedings, theses, reports, electronic-only publications), meaning researchers are able to access information on an issue from many perspectives and publication types.  Finally, another distinguishing characteristic of Global Health is its editorial policies. Entrance into the database is governed by subject specialists who select relevant papers. Publications from more than 100 countries are reviewed for inclusion, and non-English papers deemed relevant are translated to broaden access to that research.  At Yale, you can access Global Health through the OvidSP platform. Ovid offers an intuitive search experience that lets you build complex literature searches line by line. You also can save searches and set up automated email alerts, so you can stay up to date on a topic with relatively little work. For questions on how to best use Global Health, please contact Kate Nyhan.   

Common EndNote for Mac issues and how to solve them

October 17, 2018 - 9:56am by Caitlin Meyer

EndNote X8 on Mac computers can be finicky. We've collected some common issues Apple users experience and figured out how to solve them. If you are still struggling to get EndNote working well after you work through this page, feel free to sign up for an EndNote class, check out our EndNote tutorials, visit the walk-in IT help desk on the lower level of the medical library, or contact EndNote support.  “When I try to download the software, my computer says it can’t download it because it’s from an ‘unknown developer’!” Open up System Preferences, then Security & Privacy, navigate to the General tab, and click “Open Anyway”. Proceed with download and install. “When I download citations, the computer says it doesn’t have an application to open that type of file!” Temporary solution: Click “Choose Application” -> EndNote x8 -> EndNote x8 Permanent solution: Open your Downloads folder and right click on the downloaded file. Click “Get Info”. Scroll down to “Open with”, select EndNote, and then click “Change All…”. Now, whenever you download a file with that extension, your computer will know what to do. Common citation file extensions are .nbib, .enw, .cgi, .ciw, and .ris, so you may have to do this multiple times depending on where you like downloading files from. “When I try to open a downloaded file of citations, I get a weird pop-up telling me to choose a library. Even weirder, sometimes it says ‘This library is in use by somebody else’!” I’ve had luck bringing my EndNote library back up on the screen and then opening my downloaded file. If the library is minimized or if you’d exited out of EndNote, these problems may occur more often.   “When I use Find Full Text, it isn’t finding anything, says ‘Searching…’ forever, or freezes my computer!” 1.     Connect Find Full Text to library resources. Go to EndNote in the upper left-hand corner -> Preferences -> Find Full Text -> then type http://wa4py6yj8t.search.serialssolutions.com in the OpenURL Path box. 2.     Were you connected to the Yale Guest network at any point today? Exit out of EndNote, make sure you’re connected to Yale Secure, open EndNote, try again. “When I open Word to start writing, I don’t see EndNote as an option!” Go to EndNote, click on EndNote in the upper left-hand corner, and click Customizer. Next to Cite While You Write in the list of components, check the box to install the plug-in. The progress bar may get to the end and the window won’t close. If this happens, force quit EndNote and then restart EndNote and Word. It should work now. “When I try to insert a citation in Word, the ones I’m looking for don’t come up!” Make sure you’re hitting enter after you type an author’s name. If it’s still not working, in Word on the EndNote tab, select Preferences, then Application, then make sure “EndNote” is selected – not “EndNote online.” “When I try to open my EndNote library, it says it’s corrupted or that it can’t open it!” When you create an EndNote library, you also create a .Data folder with the same name. The .enl library file and the .Data folder need to be kept in the same place, or else the library can’t open. “When I try to import PDFs I already have on my computer, I’m not having much luck!” In EndNote, select File then Import. Select Options, then in Import Options select PDF File or Folder.   If you have had any other problems you've encountered and solved, and think they would be helpful additions to this list, contact Caitlin Meyer. 

Fall Class Highlights

August 31, 2018 - 3:26pm by Caitlin Meyer

Are you looking to brush up on your basic literature searching skills? Trying to use PubMed or EndNote and encountering difficulties? Need to set up SciENcv? Our fall workshop calendar has everything you may need and more for a productive fall term. Read on for details or head straight to the class calendar. In addition to weekly PubMed and EndNote classes, here are some of the classes coming up this fall that any member of the Yale community is welcome to register for and attend:  Basic Library Classes  Free resources and support in support of research  Second Tuesdays at noon Have you ever wondered what services and resources the library provides to help you with your research? In just 20 minutes, you’ll learn about first-class bioinformatics software, specialized databases, support for grant compliance, systematic review searching, statistics consultants, and more! Academic Job Search Series at Cushing/Whitney Medical Library The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library is excited to participate in this year’s Academic Job Search Series in partnership with the Office of Career Strategy, the Center for Teaching & Learning, and the Graduate Writing Lab.  Tools for Keeping Current & Staying Organized October 4th Expand your toolkit for keeping current with the literature in your field and staying organized during the job search process. This session will cover: setting email alerts in various databases, setting up EndNote as a personal database, and using Trello to track job applications throughout the process. My Bibliography and SciENcv: grant reporting, compliance, and biosketch through MyNCBI October 11th Learn how to create a MyNCBI account and link it to eRA Commons, delegate your account, populate and manage My Bibliography, learn how to use SciENcv to create multiple biosketches, create an ORCID, and more! Special Topic Classes Excel 1 & Excel 2 September 18 & October 4 In part one, refresh your basic Excel skills and move onto some intermediate topics such as formatting spreadsheets, sorting, filters, text-to-columns, combing data, and trimming. In part two, learn advanced functionality such as IF, COUNTIF, VLOOKUP, pivot tables, and conditional formatting. Creating Surveys with Qualtrics September 20 Qualtrics is a web-based tool provided by Yale ITS to create surveys. This hands-on class will prepare you to create your own online survey using the Qualtrics user-friendly interface. By the end of the class you will be able to: create a survey with multiple question types, distribute the survey in various ways, and view/analyze results. 
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