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Online Services & Resources from the Medical Library

March 11, 2020 - 1:53pm by Dana Haugh


Library staff are here to support you.

Virtual Support from Your Librarian 

Please email your librarian for support or to schedule a consultation by phone or Zoom. 

For general questions, contact AskYaleMedicalLibrary@yale.edu. You can speak to a librarian on our virtual reference desk through the link on our website.

Remote Access

Remote access to our vast electronic resources is available to the Yale and YNHH community regardless of your location. 

Scanning Articles and Book Chapters

Yale Library has suspended scanning and digitization operations. We will continue to process interlibrary loan requests for articles and chapters will continue however, the fulfillment of these requests is dependent on partner libraries remaining open. Please prioritize requests that are the most urgent for your courses, research, policy decisions, and patient care. Submit interlibrary loan requests


At this time, checking out books, physical interlibrary loan of books, and BorrowDirect are suspended. Please keep any books you may have in your possession. All Yale library books have been renewed until September 15, 2020.

**If you are graduating and won't be returning to campus in the fall, please drop materials into the book depository located outside the medical library doors on the right side. You can also return materials to the Sterling Memorial Library or Bass book bins.

Board Review Materials and Expanded Collections

Board review materials and access to expanded collections currently licensed by the medical library. (Frequently updated as we acquire more resources)

COVID-19 Literature Library

The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library has developed a public collection of COVID-19 citations to aid the research and clinical practice missions of the Yale Schools of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing and the Yale New Haven Hospital. The collection, accessible through a public Zotero library (no account required), includes daily updates from PubMed, ClinicalTrials.gov, Disaster Lit, and preprints* from bioRxiv and medRxiv. 

Comprehensive COVID-19 literature library

Clinician Information & Consumer Health

A research guide curated by medical librarians with resources for consumer health and clinically-focused guidelines and latest news. 

Online Resources for History of Medicine

This guide provides a starting point for researchers inside and outside of Yale to find history of medicine resources online.

Online Classes, Tutorials and Guides

  • Instruction sessions and workshops continue online via Zoom.
  • Research tutorials cover everything from how to manage citations to systematic searches to finding articles in PubMed. 
  • Research Guides are subject- and department-specific collections of tools, databases, and resources aggregated by our medical librarians.
  • Clinical/YNHH Resources list of tools for point-of-care, drug information, evidence-based practice, and more.
  • Educational Software list of biomedical education resources.

Freely Accessible Literature on COVID-19

Many publishers are offering free access to literature on the COVID-19 pandemic: