This past February, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, together with the Digital Humanities Lab and other campus partners, celebrated Love Data Week, an international event dedicated to data enthusiasm and education.
With more than two hundred attendees across seven events (including many community attendees at the keynote, which was open, virtually, to the public), the week was a resounding... Read More
On display in the Cushing Rotunda, March 22 - August 13, 2023
A touchstone of murder mysteries and historical intrigue, tactical warfare and political coups, poison looms large in our cultural imagination. An invisible agent of death, it might be hiding anywhere, stashed in a secret agent’s suitcase or mixed into a murderous martini.
Less glamorously, but even more palpably, it lurks in our... Read More
Valentine's Day is a great time to show your appreciation for someone special. And nothing says "I appreciate you" more than a delightfully corny, medically themed Valentine's Day card, created by Access Services Librarian Megan Nance. Stop by the Medical Library to fill one (or many!) out, or download the files below to send a pun-filled message!
After years of requests for video content, the Medical and Marx libraries have extended access to JoVE, the peer-reviewed scientific video journal formerly known as the Journal of Visualized Experiments. Yale now has access to the full JoVE Journal, including all specialties.
“Yale faculty have contributed to many JoVE clinical skills videos and as such we trust that the content aligns... Read More
The Medical Lens: Highlights from the Stanley B. Burns, MD, Historic Medical Photography Collection
January 27, 2023 - March 10, 2023 (EXTENDED TO MARCH 19TH!)
Join us at the Medical Library for our newest Rotunda exhibition! Medicine is a field grounded in the visual world. Over the centuries, illustration became increasingly embedded in the medical field via textbooks,... Read More
Written by Abigail Roth
Originally posted on the Yale School of Medicine website
Heidi, the Yale Police Department’s (YPD) yellow Labrador Retriever service dog and community engagement ambassador, was a frequent—much appreciated—visitor to the Yale School of Medicine (YSM) campus during the fall semester, especially outside the anatomy lab. Heidi greeted first-year medical students, and many... Read More
On January 25, 2023, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will update its Data Management and Sharing Policy to further accelerate biomedical research discovery through scientific data sharing. The policy includes two main requirements: submission of a data management and sharing plan and agreement to comply with that plan, including sharing and preserving data for the long-term. The Medical... Read More
Written By Laura Juliano, Processing Archivist
The Medical Historical Library is pleased to announce the Gary C. Burget M.D. papers are now open for research. Gary C. Burget, M.D. (1941-2017), was a plastic surgeon specializing in facial and nasal reconstruction, working in both Miami, Florida and Chicago, Illinois for over 40 years of medical practice. Burget attended Yale University as... Read More
Beginning Monday, November 21, 2022, the Medical Library’s 24/7 Computing & Study Space will become a designated masking area when the Medical Library is open. This space is equipped with 13 computing workstations and is accessible by both stairs and elevator during regular library hours.
We appreciate your cooperation in making our spaces welcoming and accessible for all.
On September 27, 2022, the Yale New Haven Health System will replace Micromedex with Lexicomp as the clinical medication reference provider. Links to the Lexicomp website will replace the current Micromedex links in the Library Services Epic Toolbar Menu and in the MAR.
Additionally, links to Micromedex will be removed from the Medical Library website.
Lexicomp offers a comparable, full-featured... Read More