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Personal Librarian for Students

The Personal Librarian Program gives you a direct contact in the library. We provide you with reliable information and clear direction at all stages of your journey at the Yale. If we don’t know the answer, we'll find someone who does.

Examples of how we can help: 

  • One-on-one or small group instruction on databases and tools

  • Specific resources as your research and learning needs evolve

  • Connections with other university staff and faculty

  • Consult about research projects

  • Articulate good research or clinical questions

  • Develop strong search strategies

  • Help get materials


School of Medicine


Resources: Medical Student Success

School of Public Health

Kate Nyhan, kate.nyhan@yale.edu

ResourcesPublic Health

School of Nursing

Alexandria Brackett, alexandria.brackett@yale.edu

Resources: Nursing


Rolando Garcia-Milian, rolando.milian@yale.edu; Sofia Fertuzinhos, sofia.fertuzinhos@yale.edu

Resources: Bioinformatics

PA/PA Online

Caitlin Meyer, caitlin.meyer@yale.edu

Resources: PA Program | PA Online Program