#SteppingOutAtYale – APHA’s #1BillionSteps Challenge, Library Edition
Cushing/Whitney Medical Library loves public health, and so we’re celebrating National Public Health Week with the American Public Health Association. In the first week of April, you can enjoy daily public health-themed literature workshops and daily social media postings of our favorite public health posters from the Medical Historical Library. But wait, there’s more!
Are you part of APHA’s #1BillionSteps Challenge, encouraging everyone to do consistent physical activity? Would you like to get a few more steps in your day? We’ve got your back! During National Public Health Week, you can join the #1BillionSteps Challenge, Library Edition – right here at Yale. It’s easy and fun!
Walk over to visit another library on campus.
Take a selfie with something special there.
Post your pictures on Instagram with hashtags – especially #SteppingOutAtYale
You can win a healthy prize from the medical library!
With five libraries to visit, maybe you should check out one every day! Use these hashtags and mentions to tell Instagram about your travels.
147 steps from LEPH to Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
See how close we are? Pop over to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and take a selfie with Harvey Cushing, our library founder, in the beautiful Medical Historical Library. Walk the long way, by Blue State and in the front of Sterling, to get more steps! And while you’re here, stop in and say hi to public health librarian Kate Nyhan. #SteppingOutAtYale @yalemedhistlib #HappyBirthdayHarvey #1BillionSteps #NPHW #NPHW17 @americanpublichealth #litreviewpleasehelp
1056 steps to Robert B. Hass Family Arts Library
Are you looking for a laugh? Visit the Robert B Hass Family Arts Library, where librarians Meredith Hale and Jae Rossman have created a special pop-up exhibition for National Public Health Week! Starting at 10AM on Monday, you can see historical sports imagery from the American Trading Card Collection and An Almanac of Twelve Sports. Look for it behind the glass of the special collections area downstairs, any time the library is open. Thanks @hassartslibrary for these #SpecialCollections! #SteppingOutAtYale #1BillionSteps #NPHW #NPHW17 @americanpublichealth
1478 steps to Lillian Goldman Law Library
Do you need a giant rabbit in your life? Of course you do! Visit the Lillian Goldman Law Library and meet Pufendorf. Pufendorf is a symbol of resilience, having survived not only the 2003 Yale Law School bombing but also a kidnapping by 3L’s. Photography is normally forbidden in the law library, but you have a special dispensation for selfies with Pufendorf – if you can find him! Here’s how: Enter the law school from the Wall Street entrance. At the main staircase (right in the middle of the main hallway) go left and down into Library Level 2 (L2) which houses the computer lab, IT, the Rare Book Room, and Tech Services. There is another set of stairs on the left past the Rare Book Room. You’ll find Pufendorf at the base of the stairs. #SteppingOutAtYale #1BillionSteps #NPHW #NPHW17 @americanpublichealth #totemicdappledrabbit
1479 steps to Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Do you want to enjoy history, art, and rare memorabilia of the Harlem Renaissance? Visit the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Explore their rich exhibition “Gather Out of Star-Dust” – what will be your favorite part?
The playful map of Harlem nightlife – go right from the entrance; it’s hung to make selfies irresistible
The 1917 Silent Protest Parade – go left from the entrance
Langston Hughes’s collection of rent party cards – second level behind the Cube.
Art, photographs, and sheet music about dancing – all over!
Check out the whole exhibit. You’ll love it! And pick up an exhibit pamphlet with a reproduction of the Harlem map, too. Thanks @beineckelibrary #HarlemRen #SteppingOutAtYale #1BillionSteps #NPHW #NPHW17 @americanpublichealth
1267 steps to Sterling Memorial Library
Do you want to see the mother ship of Yale University Libraries? Visit Sterling Memorial Library and explore the beautiful nave. Check out the stained glass, and visit the Yale printing press. #SteppingOutAtYale @yalelibrary #1BillionSteps #NPHW #NPHW17 @americanpublichealth
You can be a winner!
Everyone who participates in #SteppingOutAtYale and #1BillionSteps gets fresh air and exercise – and the winners will also get packets of vegetable seeds and local, sustainable maple syrup from the Yale Landscape Lab! All you have to do is post a library selfie on Instagram with the hashtag #SteppingOutAtYale. The more posts, the better your chances of winning a prize -- thank you @yalewestcampus #yalelandscapelab #maplefest2017
Get in touch
Contact public health librarian Kate Nyhan with questions, comments, boasts about how many steps you’ve taken, and complaints that these figures are off. Email kate.nyhan@yale.edu or click here to set up a meeting to talk about literature searching and more.
Thank you
Thanks to all the participating libraries and their staff, medical library colleagues, the Yale Sustainability Program and Landscape Lab, APHA, and the Medical Library Association’s Public Health/Health Administration section.